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The “Choeurs de MAO” concert is coming soon!

Hey friends of our MJC,
you who live with music,
you who love it when it transports you, makes you dream, travel, smile, laugh, soar, cry, open your heart …. this concert is for you.

If you’ve never heard her before, the MJC invites you to discover her now…
If you already know her, you know the value of her songs, her humanity, her unique way of taking the whole audience into a suspended, unforgettable moment, her voice, her texts.

Her concerts are true ceremonies where she gives without restraint, where she transmits to you an incredible energy, between Gospel and World Songs!

We warmly invite you to join us and share these unique moments together.

There will be musical entertainment near the site from 6pm.

Admission is 15 euros –
10 for MJC members.

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